Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bountiful Brithish Columbia

The drive to Fort Nelson was a picturesque, lodgepole pine lined pleasantry.

And, we saw our first wildlife! There was a mama moose and her calf standing beside the road. But by the time we got pulled over and our lens caps off, a car flew around us and scared them off into the woods. We were bummed, but I'm sure we'll see more.

Then, we came across a mama black bear and her 3 cubs. Photos complements of Margareta.

We also saw some deer, but a little too close for comfort for me and too quick to get a picture. I almost had a hood ornament for a sovenier!

We got to Fort Nelson early, so decided to get out of town and go spend the night at Summit Lake.

This section of the Alaskan Highway passes through the Canadian Rockies. The views were just gorgeous!

We arrived at Summit Lake and found a perfect camp site for the night. It doesn't get any better than this :)

We are at Mile Marker 392 nestled in the Stone Mountain Range

Summit Lake

Margareta loved this little chippy eating a dandelion at our site :)

Tomorrow, we are off to Watson Lake, in the Yukon with several stops along the way. Hope to see even more wildlife!


  1. Great photos. Doesn't look too crowded around there.

  2. don't ya just LOVE those idiots who rush by you and scare off the wildlife!!! some ppl just don't know how to stop and smell the roses! sorry you missed the mooses,, but im sure there will be plenty more along the way and they wil become an ordinary site by the time you get back. love Margareta's rig! course i love urs too,, but ive seen that one in person! ;)

    happy continuing adventure and safe travels! keep blogging on! love ya! J
