Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Clamming in Ninilchik

Saturday, July 21, I had yet another new experience of learning how to clam for razorbacks. Don and Vanessa joined us and the guys actually did the hard job of digging!

It all begins by looking for a little round divet in the sand. See it there in the middle?

Scoping out the area for divets

Then, you dig next to it very quickly. The clams move fast at about an inch per second!


We ended up with about 30 for lunch, which Don so graciously offered to cook! But first, we have to process them by dipping them in boiling water to open the shells for a just a few seconds.

Then put them in cold water so we can remove them from the shells.

Next is to slice them and remove the unwanted parts.

Lastly, Don works his magic and they are on our plates!

Alot of work, but it was fun and they were good! :)


  1. Who would have believed clams could move through the sand with any kind of speed. Those tools look like miniture post hole diggers.

  2. I definitely had a whole new understanding of the price of clams....
