Friday, July 6, 2012

Across Alberta

Wednesday, July 4th we headed off through Alberta. It was a beautiful morning driving along the canola fields.

At least for the first hour and a half. Then, all of the sudden there was a wind advisory of gusts up to 50-60 mph and pouring rains. So we stopped at a rest area for a couple of hours to wait it out with a nice lunch and a nap :)

I had my first experience at a Canadian diesel pump. It's measured in Liters instead of gallons here. The price was $1.039. Margareta said just multiply it times 4 to figure out what it was per gallon. So there I stood pumping diesel and doing high math. LOL!!!

We were aiming for Grand Prairie, but only made it as far as Whitcourt, AB that night.

Yesterday, was just a perfectly goreous travel day. We made it to Dawson Creek, BC and gained another hour. We are now on pacific time.

Dawson Creek marks the beginning of the Alaskan Highway. We had to stop at the visitors center and get the requisite photo ops ;)

We went across the street to the intersection of the official "Mile 0" marker.

Then there are others at the vistor center.

A nice lady there offered to take a group shot of Margareta, Luschi and I :)

Then off we went to Fort St. John for the night along our first stretch of the Alaskan Highway. And it is breathtaking already!

Margareta is a great travel partner. I usually don't care to caravan with anyone, but we've worked out a perfect system. I lead and pay attention to her signals if she needs to stop and when we are ready to take off, she gives me the signal. LOL We are having so much fun! :)

She also got me at the dump station the other day. My RV sisters will appreciate this. It's kind of an inside joke amongst us ;) It was good for a hearty laugh! LOL Canada has the best full service rest areas.

She also spoils me! Margareta is German, so she makes some great food! Last night, she treated me to some Rouladen and semmel kloes. (It's an excellent meat roll and dumplings).What a treat! Thank you Margareta :)

Today, we are heading for Fort Nelson. I am ready to see some wildlife!


  1. You are looking so good Sharon. And the views are magnificent. Wondered who was leading and following. Love the shot of the B heading into the clouds!!! Take care and travel safe.

  2. Absolutely great blog post Sharon. You got some wonderful photos. Love all of them but especially the ones where one or the other of you are posing at a special place. It sounds like your little caravan is working out great and it is fun to have someone to share the sites and adventure. Margareta and her crew are fun.

  3. Sounds like a great ride in spite of the wind! Both my Mom and Grandmother had 'Alberta' in their names so I have a soft spot in my heart for it; maybe I'll even get there some day!!!! Happy Trails!

  4. awesome awesome awesome! ! ! ! !

  5. Trust me, the scenery only gets better! And what would a trip be w/o a dump picture?? LOL! Margareta sounds like fun and I can't wait to meet her, specially 'cause I'm a fool for German Shepherds! My alltime, 100% favorite dog in the world.

  6. I see you didn't haul your jeep. Keep posting! love the pics!

  7. Thank you all for your kind comments :) Sorry for the typos on the original post.
